Happy tears. Tears of unspeakable joy. These are moments that I want to capture, remember, relish, treasure. For time is fleeting, but holy moments are still evident and present. That I may treasure them in my heart, and give the gift of memories to you. Joshua, Jenna, and Becca, know how much I love you, today and for always.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Joshua's surgery

Dear Joshua,

Late July, you had to have surgery on your umbilical hernia. You were born with a herniated belly button, and through the years, the doctor has kept an eye on it. Because it hasn't really gotten smaller, Dr. Voight thought it was best to get it taken care of before Kindergarten starts, because if you grow up without getting the procedure done, the surgery then would be a lot harder.

Anyway, it was a Friday morning when Daddy and I drove you to Central DuPage Hospital and checked you in. I was really nervous, but didn't want to show it. I wanted to stay strong for you. I know that you are in good hands, but just the thought of you going "under" and going through surgery without me being physically there with you, it all just concerned me. Yes, your mommy is a worry-wart!

But the nurses were so nice! We all went into a hospital room with you, and you put on blue hospital pajamas. You had your own TV and even Bucky had to wear a hospital tag, just like you! The nurses gave you some "juice" to drink, and pretty soon, you were pretending that the remote control was a phone or a gun! Daddy and I prayed for you, and not long after that, the nurses wheeled you away into surgery. I kissed you a million times and told you that I loved you. It was then that I shed my tears for you. The unknown is daunting, especially when it comes to something big like surgery. But I know that God is watching over you, and that you are in His hands. All I can do is pray and trust that everything will be okay.

We thought the surgery would take an hour, but after Daddy and I went down to the cafeteria and got a snack and came back up to the waiting room. You were pretty much done! Dr. Giessler came out to talk to us, and said that you were done and you did well. And that you're in the recovery room.

We went to the room to wait for you. Now, some of your friends who had had surgery were pretty hysterical as they came out of anaethesia. I was prepared for the worse, envisioning you crying and wailing, and pulling your IV off. But when they wheeled you in the room, you were calm and had a smile on your face! I was so relieved!! You did so great, and you were in such good spirits! I was so proud of you!

We spent about a half hour in the recovery room. You had a little snack, and pretty soon, you were able to change back into your own clothes and we were able to go home. For the rest of the day, you were so pleasant and in such a good mood. I think the medication did you good!

I'm learning that I can be a worry-wart about anything, especially the unknown. But time and time again, you've proven yourself to be a wonderful boy (like when we traveled on the airplane for the first time when you were a baby. You were such an angel baby on the plane!). Thank you for showing me that I all I needed to do was trust in God, and to trust in you - the very person that God made you to be. I didn't have to worry or cry, but being a mommy, sometimes I feel overwhelmed and there's only so much I can do to be with you and protect you. And when I can't, I worry.

So, here's hoping that I will learn to trust you and trust God as you enter into Kindergarten in a few weeks!

Again, I'm so proud of you and so proud of the boy you're becoming! My brave and wonderful boy!

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